Inventor Networks
The tools below can be used by SIU inventors to network with peers, learn more about the research interests of SIU faculty, or identify new colla boration opportunities. Be sure to browse our Available Technologies to learn more about technologies developed by SIU inventors.
National Academy of Inventors (SIU Carbondale)
As the academic arm of the , honors academic invention and advocates for innovation at research institutions across the country. SIU Carbondale became a member of NAI in 2015, founding a local NAI Chapter the same year.
ORCID (All Campuses)
In addition to assigning each researcher a unique identification number to distinguish their work from that of their peers, features a searchable database which allows researchers to find others with similar research interests. Researchers at all SIU campuses can access and use this tool.
ResearchGate (All Campuses)
allows researchers to share their expertise, promote and field questions/feedback on their publications, and connect with potential collaborators. Researchers at all SIU campuses can access and use this tool.
Activity Insight (SIU Carbondale)
Powered by Digital Measures, populates a searchable database with summaries of faculty research, teaching, funding, and service activities. SIU Carbondale faculty can access Activity Insight through SalukiNet to find other researchers with common interests or needed expertise.
OpenSIUC (SIU Carbondale)
, offered through SIU Carbondale’s , provides free access to research and scholarly material produced at SIU Carbondale.