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MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  3. Organization Describe the proposed units organizational structure. Explain how the unit is organized to meet its stated objectives.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  4. Unit Outcomes Identify what targets have been set to assess the proposed units success in achieving its objectives. Among others, specific performance measures might include: expected research and/or public service products; ratio of external to internal funding for unit; impact of this unit on national, state, regional, and local area organizations, businesses, or communities; and collaborative research product that promotes the Illinois economy.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  5. Quality Assurance Processes Briefly describe the processes that will yield evidence to demonstrate the quality of the unit. Address the following elements: evidence that the unit supports the universitys mission and statewide goals; evidence that the units product or outcomes achieve stated objectives; determination of organizational effectiveness; faculty and staff qualifications and reward structures; determination of adequate support staff, equipment, and other resources; and use of results from evaluations to improve the units effectiveness.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  6. Facilities (space, equipment, instructional materials) Describe the available facilities and equipment to develop and maintain high quality in this unit of administration, research, or public service including buildings, classrooms, office space, laboratories and equipment, and other instructional technologies. Summarize information about library resources including a list of key academic journals and other publications that will support this unit and be used by faculty, students, and staff.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  7. Resources Indicate the number of students, businesses, industries, and/or other clients to be served by this unit. Include a description of faculty participation and student involvement in the unit if applicable. Provide a narrative budget statement explaining the data in the associated Budget Table. Include detail describing revenues from governmental grants and contracts private gifts and grants, endowment/investment income, sales and services, and other sources; and expenditures including salaries of faculty, administrative staff, benefits, and other personnel related expenses for the proposed unit; library resources, services, equipment, and facilities.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  8. A Thriving Illinois: Higher Education Paths to Equity, Sustainability, and Growth IBHE is charged to develop a strategic plan to address the present and future aims and needs and requirements of higher education in Illinois (110 ILCS 205/6) (from Ch. 144, par. 186) Sec. 6). Illinois Administrative Code: 1050.30(a)(6): A) The unit of instruction, research or public service is educationally and economically justified based on the educational priorities and needs of the citizens of Illinois Respond to the following questions about how the proposed unit will support the three goals of A Thriving Illinois: Higher Education Paths to Equity, Sustainability, and Growth Strategic Plan. Equity: Close the equity gaps for students who have historically been left behind Sustainability: Build a stronger financial future for individuals and institutions Growth: Increase talent and innovation to drive economic growth Equity 1. Describe plans to implement systemic solutions that will increase access and opportunities for service to underserved communities and the implications for the proposed unit of administration. Explain how progress will be monitored. [See Equity Strategy #1 and #2] 2. Explain institutional strategies being implemented to increase and retain faculty, staff, and administrators of color and the implications for the proposed unit. Explain how progress will be monitored. [See Equity Strategy #3] Sustainability 3. For this new unit of administration, describe how the institution plans to maximize effectiveness and efficiencies in its administrative structure and operations while avoiding unnecessary or existing duplication. 4. Explain further how the new unit will capitalize and build collaborative synergies on campus and within and outside of the state; support future-ready learning, research, or public service approaches; and ensure that the unit is a good steward of its financial resources. Growth 5. As one of the Core Principles, demonstrate how the proposed unit will reinforce and promote public good in the state (e.g., civic engagement, exposure to arts and humanities, and solutions to societys challenges). 6. Describe how the unit plans to contribute to research, innovation, and economic development by leveraging the Illinois Innovation Network. [See Growth Strategy #1] 7. Explain how the new unit engaged with business and industry in its development and how it will spur the states economy by leveraging partnerships with local, regional, and state industry, business leaders and employers. [See Growth Strategy #3] 8. Describe how the proposed unit will expand access and opportunities for students regarding high- impact practices including research opportunities, internships, apprenticeships, career pathways, and other field experiences. [See Growth Strategy #6] 9. Explain how the proposed unit of administration will expand its models of teaching and learning, research, and/or public service and outreach that provide opportunity for students to succeed in the work of the future. [See Growth Strategy #6] (For more information about each of the three goals of the A Thriving Illinois: Higher Education Paths to Equity, Sustainability, and Growth Strategic Plan, go to the IBHE website:  HYPERLINK "https://ibhestrategicplan.ibhe.org/" https://ibhestrategicplan.ibhe.org/).  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]      Administrative, Research or Public Service Unit Application November 2021 Part 1 [Page  PAGE 2 of  NUMPAGES 2] $% @ A B C  T k u |   7 H I J K L  Q R S  8 hcOJQJh4OJQJh~s56OJQJ\]h=s5OJQJ\hCZzOJQJhXnOJQJh4h4h4OJQJjh4h4OJQJUh~sOJQJh~s5OJQJ\;%A B J K }pcc}pc d1$7$8$H$ $da$gd4$d1$7$8$H$a$4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd4=$d$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M NOPQa$gd4 Q R pcc $da$gd4$d1$7$8$H$a$4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd4=$d$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M NOPQa$gd4 d1$7$8$H$ 8 < F G 666FGH  !0HP}!0HQYZqʿʬhXn5OJQJ\h3lOJQJh~s5OJQJ\hXnOJQJh4h4h4OJQJjh4h4OJQJUh~sOJQJhcOJQJD6FGs $da$gd44$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd4=$d$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M NOPQa$gd4 d1$7$8$H$ 789ss d1$7$8$H$ $da$gdXn4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gdXn=$d$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M NOPQa$gdXn56789:Fd%69@Q[ij #,-35X`bdfkluļjh4h4OJQJUhaOJQJhZOJQJh =OJQJh~sOJQJh~s5OJQJ\h3l5OJQJ\hXnh4hXnOJQJjh4hXnOJQJUhXnOJQJ99FSTU}pcc d1$7$8$H$ $da$gd4$d1$7$8$H$a$4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd4=$d$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M NOPQa$gd4QRSTUVXr `kl FGH ;cʿtitXXXXXtttt h!_h7[56OJQJ\]h!_h OJQJh!_h7[OJQJh!_h 6OJQJ]h!_h OJQJh!_h=s5OJQJ\h=sh=s5OJQJ\h=s5OJQJ\h3l5OJQJ\hXnCJOJQJaJh~sCJOJQJaJh4jh4h4OJQJUh4h4OJQJ"UklGH cXXXXX4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd7[4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd =$d$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M NOPQa$gd=s    IQRYko} ,3456789@AOZlн۲h!_h]|OJQJhX OJQJh!_hT:OJQJh!_hm5OJQJh!_hpgOJQJh!_h7[5>*OJQJ\h!_h7[OJQJF 689:;<LDu``4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd^4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gdpg4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd7[   !$56789:;<GJKLOt -BCDGhǸh!_h^OJQJh!_heOJQJh!_h5>*OJQJ\h!_h7[5>*OJQJ\h!_hXn5>*OJQJ\hXn5>*OJQJ\h35>*OJQJ\h!_h7[OJQJh!_hpgOJQJh!_hT:OJQJ0  ",-7tuv|}~      0 = A M \ c d p r s t u w { ɺɯɯɯɯɯh!_hpgOJQJh!_h7[5>*OJQJ\h!_heOJQJh!_hw9"OJQJh!_hT:OJQJh!_h^OJQJh!_hm5OJQJAuv}t *!`+4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd 14$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gde4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd7[4$d%d&d'd-D1$7$8$H$M OPQa$gd  ! ! !!!!!!!!(!)!*!+!-!=!E!{!!!!!!" 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