ࡱ> yvz[ bjbj Dΐΐ X <Ed+hpLeee@@@gggggggiyl<g@@@@@geeg@eeg@g\\ beЧ_5dh^:gg0+h^l2ltbb&lb@@@@@@@gg&@@@+h@@@@l@@@@@@@@@ : 1. Degree Program Title and Overview What is the specific title of the proposed degree program as it would be listed in the IBHE Program Inventory? The name should be what typically is used for similar programs nationally. Provide a short description of the program, including highlights of the program objectives, and the careers, occupations, or further educational opportunities for which the program will prepare graduates.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  2. Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Recommend the Universitys preferred six-digit CIP code for this program.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  3. Enrollment and Degree Projections for the First and Fifth Years of the Program In the Excel table below, summarize enrollment and degrees conferred projections for the program for the first and the fifth years of operation. If possible, indicate the number of full-time and part-time students to be enrolled each fall term in the notes section. If it is not possible to provide fall enrollments or fall enrollments are not applicable to this program, please indicate so and give a short explanation. The degree projections should encompass the fiscal year as reported to the IBHE.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  Table 1 STUDENT ENROLLMENTAND DEGREE PROJECTIONS FOR THE PROPOSED PROGRAMYear One5th Year (or when fully implemented)Number of Program Majors (Fall Headcount)Annual Full-time-Equivalent Majors (Fiscal Year)Annual Number of Degrees Awarded Add here any relevant notes (e.g., Students are to be enrolled in a cohort; all students will be enrolled part-time; etc.) 4. Background Briefly describe the historical and institutional context of the programs development. Include a short summary of any existing program(s) upon which this program will be built and of any existing administrative unit(s) and program(s) that will share resources with this program. (Note: Student and occupational demand for the program is addressed in #6, below.)  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  5. Mission Illinois Administrative Code: 1050.30(a)(1): A) The objectives of the unit of instruction, research or public service are consistent with the mission of the college or university; B) The objectives of the unit of instruction, research or public service are consistent with what the unit title implies. Briefly describe how this program will support the Universitys mission, focus, and/or current priorities. Demonstrate the programs consistency with and centrality to that mission.  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]  6. Need for the Program and Future Employment and Additional Educational Opportunities for Graduates Illinois Administrative Code: 1050.30(a)(6): A) The unit of instruction, research or public service is educationally and economically justified based on the educational priorities and needs of the citizens of Illinois. Explain how the program will meet the needs of regional and state employers, including any state agencies, industries, research centers, or other educational institutions that expressly encouraged the programs development. (If letters of support are available, include them in the appendix as an Adobe Acrobat (pdf) document.) Discuss projected future employment and or additional educational opportunities for graduates of this program. Compare estimated demand with the estimated supply of graduates from this program and existing similar programs in the state. Where appropriate, provide documentation by citing data from such sources as employer surveys, current labor market analyses, and future workforce projections. (Whenever possible, use state and national labor data, such as that from the Illinois Department of Employment Security at HYPERLINK "http://lmi.ides.state.il.us/"http://lmi.ides.state.il.us/ and/or the U.S. Bureau for Labor Statistics at HYPERLINK "http://www.bls.gov/"http://www.bls.gov/).  MACROBUTTON AcceptAllChangesShown [TYPE YOUR ANSWER HERE. Provide complete responses, do not reference website links.]      Public Universities In-Region New Degree Program Application to the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) Part 1 [Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 2 ] Public Degree Program In-Region Application Part 5 [Page  PAGE 10 of  NUMPAGES 10 ] % * + , . / 2 e + , - / 0 3 i m n ĹបĹꋂ| h[CJh2xh2xCJh2x5CJaJhmXgh2x5CJ h2x5CJh/ZCJaJjh/ZCJUaJh0hKCJaJh0h# CJaJh-Ph2x56CJ h2xCJhmXgh2xCJh2xh2x5CJaJh2)5CJaJ0% , - . / e - yyqyyyyyq$a$gd/Z$a$gdQ0:$$d%d&d'd(d)fNOPQRSa$gd2xC$$d%d&d'd(d)f-DM NOPQRSa$gd2x - . / 0 { | } yiiaaY$a$gdHP$a$gdB8$-DM a$gd2x:$$d%d&d'd(d)fNOPQRSa$gd2xC$$d%d&d'd(d)f-DM NOPQRSa$gd2x$a$gdQ0 ( ) * H Q z { | } ~ ,-FGSUwxuauRuRuh'UhHPB*CJaJph&h'UhHP5B*CJH*\aJphh'UhHPCJaJhHP5B*CJ\aJph#h'UhHP5B*CJ\aJphhHPCJaJhHPh2x5CJaJhHPhHP5CJaJhB8CJaJjhB8CJUaJh0hHPCJaJhUaCJaJhh2xCJhmXgh2xCJ h2xCJ FGIR[w $Ifgd`Xkd$$Ifl;"F)"  t )"644 lBa]p yt" $$Ifa$gd`$a$gdQ0wxkbVV $$Ifa$gd` $Ifgd`kd$$IflfF,P"F;G$ G  t)"6    44 lBa]pytHPwnbb $$Ifa$gd` $Ifgd`kd$$Ifl;F,P"F;G$ G  t )"6    44 lBa]pytHPwnbb $$Ifa$gd` $Ifgd`kd$$Ifl;F,P"F;G$ G  t )"6    44 lBa]pytHP BNz{øuuuuuuuuuiaih/ZCJaJjh/ZCJUaJh/vB*CJphh8h/vB*CJphhmXgh/vCJ h/vCJh0h# 5CJaJhH/h/v5h2)5CJaJh0hACJaJh0hKCJaJh0hHPCJaJhHPB*CJaJphh'UhHPCJaJh'UhHPB*CJaJph&wnn $Ifgd`kd$$Ifl;F,P"F;G$ G  t )"6    44 lBa]pytHPeC$$d%d&d'd(d)f-DM NOPQRSa$gdQ0$a$gdQ0Okd$$Ifl;"g)" t)"644 lBa]p yt`|}~qC$$d%d&d'd(d)f-DM NOPQRSa$gdQ0$a$gd/Z$a$gdQ0:$$d%d&d'd(d)fNOPQRSa$gd/v{|~$%&qst:ùwnh\\TOGh 9rh 9r5 h 9r5h 9rh2)5jh/ZCJUaJ h/vCJh|Ch/vCJh|Ch/vB*CJ\phh|Ch/vB*CJ\phh/vh/vB*CJ\phhjh/v6CJ]h/v6CJ]h h/vCJ]h0h# 5CJaJh/v5B*phh2)5CJaJh0h# CJaJh0hKCJaJh/ZCJaJqrsW[C$$d%d&d'd(d)f-DM NOPQRSa$gd 9r$a$gd/Z$a$gdQ0&$d%d&d'dNOPQgd/v)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd/v :;Wv2346XexDILP]^_nqr|}~/@ENXż~q~~~~~h 9rh 9rB*CJphh 9rB*CJphh5Mh 9rB*CJphh 9rh 9r6CJ]aJh 9rB*CJphhYOh 9rCJ h 9rCJhmXgh 9rCJh 9r6CJ]aJhmXgh 9r6CJ]aJh 9rCJ]aJh 9rh 9r5 h 9rh 9r5ehr,W56:;<$a$gdf $a$gd$a$gd/Z$a$gdQ0)$$d%d&d'dNOPQa$gd 9r!"569:<=678EŹxtih hCJaJhh2xhCJaJh2xCJaJh2xh2xCJaJhk2jhk2U h0hFphgh*h/ZCJaJjh/ZCJUaJhcCJaJh 9rB*CJphhGFh 9r0JCJ h 9rCJhQh 9r0JCJh 9rjh 9rU#78de$a$gdf $$dNa$gdo( &dPgdo($a$gd $$dNa$gd $&dPa$gd0 EFLMNOST^_`ade{ɽ h0hFphk2hDfmHnHujh*U h*aJh*h*CJaJhOh*CJaJhhTCJaJmHnHuh hCJaJjh hCJUaJ!21h:p# / =!"#$% 8 001h:pK/ =!"#$% 5 01h:pK/ =!"#$% 8 001h:pK/ =!"#$% 5 01h:pK/ =!"#$% 8 001h:pK/ =!"#$% 5 01h:pK/ =!"#$% 8 001h:pK/ =!"#$% 5 01h:pK/ =!"#$% 8 001h:pK/ =!"#$% 5 01h:pK/ =!"#$% 8 001h:pK/ =!"#$% 5 01h:pK/ =!"#$% $$If]!vh5)"#v)":V l;  t )"65)"/ Ba]p yt"-$$If]!vh5;5$ 5#v;#v$ #v:V lf  t)"6,5;5$ 5/ /  / / / / Ba]pytHP$$If]!vh5;5$ 5#v;#v$ #v:V l;  t )"6,5;5$ 5/ / / /  Ba]pytHP$$If]!vh5;5$ 5#v;#v$ #v:V l;  t )"6,5;5$ 5/ / / /  Ba]pytHP$$If]!vh5;5$ 5#v;#v$ #v:V l;  t )"6,5;5$ 5/ / / /  Ba]pytHP$$If]!vh5)"#v)":V l; t)"6,5)"9/ Ba]p yt`^" 00000002 0@P`p28 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@  NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List 8 @8 # 0Footer  !CJ>> # Footnote TextCJaJ4@4 e{0Header  !.)!. e{ Page Number616 2x0 Header CharCJaJ6A6  9r0 Footer CharCJaJ:U@Q: 9r0 Hyperlink>**<Pb<  9r0 Body Text 2 dx@q@  9r0Body Text 2 CharCJaJLL  `.0List Paragraph ^m$PJaJPCP  `.0Body Text Indenthx^hPJaJNN  `.0Body Text Indent Char CJPJaJX/X \FDefault1$7$8$H$!B*CJ_HaJmH phsH tH ZRZ (0Body Text Indent 2hdx^hPJaJRR (0Body Text Indent 2 Char CJPJaJTST ;0Body Text Indent 3hx^hCJaJNN ;0Body Text Indent 3 CharCJaJ2B2 !Df Body Text x<< DfBody Text CharCJaJPK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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